​We have taken the stand to produce the most genetically healthy puppies possible by submitting

all of our dogs DNA for Genetic Testing.

The responsible part of every breeding program

Our Moto is "If It ain't from fully Genetically Proven Tested Bloodlines - it's ain't worth buying!"

We use Orivet for our testing needs.

Orivet was the first lab who put together a Harlequin Pinscher Breed Profile Panel for HPA.
The Breed Profile Panel covers everything Possible that can be discovered by DNA testing for the Harlequin Pinscher.

 Responsible testing and registering with a registry that documents our test results and having results on-file 

for Generations to come is the only way to protect our breed.
Buyers should insist on DNA testing of parents and Registration of Pups.
My Dogs CLEAR Results means the puppies people buy from me will NEVER have the disease.
Please do not support those only breeding for money who refuse to Test their adults and do not Register their Animals.
​While Ignorance may be 'bliss' ... The Dogs and the Buyers pay the price!​

Our Harlequin Pinschers & Miniature Pinscher dogs DNA goes through a MULTI point check.
DNA profile (*sequence code - can verify the dog and it's offspring)
MPS VI, PLL, Cystinuria, Hyperuricosuria, DM, Color Dilution Alopecia (*CDA), Black Hair Follicular Disease (*BHFD)
​A-Locus, B-Locus, D-Locus, E-Locus, EM locus, H-Locus, K-Locus, W-Locus, Merle, Brindle
​Long Coat Gene & Natural Bob-tail (*NBT)​ to name a FEW.

​We have taken the stand to produce the most genetically healthy puppies possible by submitting all of our dogs DNA for Genetic Testing​

We spend roughly $450.00 per breeding pair on testing to be sure we are producing the healthiest pups possible for GENERATIONS

to come.   Our buyers can be assured of what they are getting in hidden health from our efforts.

Would you go PAY for a dog knowing in a year you could be out THOUSANDS of dollars in health care expenses and watch that dog

wither away day by day - Of course not,

but you could be doing it unknowingly when you buy a pup from untested parents when a few dollars put out by the breeder could

guarantee your dog against testable diseases.

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Not all of our breeding dogs live with us on a full-time basis but we do have

Ownership &/or Breeding Rights to them,

as such their hidden health is very important to us.  

All of the dogs we have for potential breeding purposes will

​have genetic testing.


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Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
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Autosomal recessive (*inherited) disease characterized by deficiency of arylsulfatase B.
The mutation prevents sugars from being broken down causing an accumulation of cells

which results in skeletal deformations.
Requires 2 copies of the gene for an offspring to be affected but only 1 copy of the gene for the
offspring to be a carrier for life and for that dog to continue to give the gene to future offspring.
Diagnosed Carriers however have been known to exhibit dehabilitating symptoms of the disease later in life.
Affects several breeds and is a disease known to Miniature Pinschers and a possible disease in

Harlequin Pinschers since the Harlie was bred out of and is still bred to the Miniature Pinscher breed.
Symptoms of MPS VI can be seen as early as 4 weeks of age.  

Puppies often times have normal appetites and normal puppy psychological behavior but will

exhibit weak limbs or the inability to walk or function properly and usually have severe growth 

retardation.  Common signs of the disease are Dwarfism, Bone Disease, Deformity of Facial

Structure, Eye Cloudiness & Degenerative Joint Disease.

Diagnosis can be confirmed based on a DNA Test Result and Commercial test are available

for MPS VI in the Miniature Pinscher breed which is also used to test for

MPS VI in Harlequin Pinschers.
Dogs with MPS VI will have a poor quality of life and will most likely require euthanization. 
MPS VI is a genetic abnormality and is caused by the mating of affected or carrier animals.
Inbreeding may increase the risk of MPS VI if the gene runs in bloodlines which are

untested or bred by irresponsible breeders.

Responsible breeding of ONLY Tested "CLEAR" animals can eliminate the possibility of MPS VI

in offspring and eventually the Breeds which it affects.​

Pictures can be found on the world wide web of dogs affected by this horrible disease.

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A recognized recessive gene (*inherited) disease affecting the eyes of many breeds of dogs

including the Rat Terrier and potentially the Harlequin Pinscher since the Harlies was bred

out of the Rat Terrier breed.  The condition may also be acquired.   An acquired cause of PLL can

not be excluded in some cases by DNA testing.

PLL is a is a painful widespread multi-breed issue associated with the disintegration of the zonule

fibers which hold the lens in place.  Once the lens luxates or moves from it's normal position

the animal usually experiences the painful secondary Glaucoma occurrence and eventual blindness.

PLL is bilateral and both eyes will be affected even though time may elapse between eyes showing symptoms.

Incidence of PLL is very high in some breeds and breeders are highly recommended to test and

eliminate affected animals while working toward eliminating carriers as well.  For this to be an effective

method of eliminating PLL however every breeder knowingly breeding "Carriers" MUST be a caring

responsible breeder and realize they ultimately are responsible for what they produce and would need to

take both moral and financial responsibility for offspring produced by them which suffer the consequences

of their 'knowingly' breeding carrier adults.   Test confirm up to 20% of carriers also have been known

to suffer with PLL blindness.  

The Rat Terrier and even the Harlequin Pinscher (*though low in numbers), in this authors opinion, have sufficient "Clear" tested and even potentially "Clear Untested" breeding stock making it irresponsible for any breeder to knowingly breed known PLL "Affected or Carrier" animals.

There are 3 categories of PLL Testing:

1. "CLEAR"
 Does not have the gene - will not develop PLL due to mutation - Can not pass the mutation gene to offspring.

Has ONE copy of the PLL mutation and ONE copy of the normal/wild gene.  Carriers have a very

low risk of developing PLL (*up to 20%).  Carriers have a 50/50 chance of passing the carrier gene

on to their offspring.  Carriers bred to another carrier can produce 'affected' offspring

Has TWO copies of the gene - will always pass along one gene to the offspring making every

puppy a minimum of 'carrier' status.   Known PLL Affected dogs should never be bred.

Testing is available and Testing KITS for testing can be ordered through:


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Black Hair Follicle Dysplasia 
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Alopecia simply means "Hair Loss" and is a very common disorder in dogs.  
The disorder can affect an individual animal in a variety of ways from partial to complete

hair loss to it's immune system and can be from gradual or acute.
Alopecia can be inherited or acquired.
In some breeds such as the Chinese Crested, Mexican Hairless & the Hairless Rat Terrier the

traits have been bred for.

Some Causes of Alopecia are:

1. Mange - Caused by the Demodex or Cheyletiella mite.
2.  Ringworm - Fungus
3.  Excessive level of steroids (*increased levels of estrogen)
4.  Genetic - Gene programming - Hereditary
5.  Dermatitis - Licking Disease where the dog licks itself habitually.
6.  Allergies
7.  Hormonal Dermatosis - Hormonal fluctuations 
8.  Bacterial - such as Folliculitis
9.  Black Hair Follicular - Hereditary disease in dogs with hair of multiple colors.  
Similar to Color Dilution Alopecia and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
10.  Congenital Hyportrichosis - Blue born puppies of certain breeds such as the Yorkshire Terrier.
11.  Parasites (*Fleas - Ticks - Lice)
12.  Follicular dystrophy/dysplasia - NON COLOR LINKED - unknown cause
13.  Granulomas - Bodies reaction to a foreign material such as plants or chemicals.
14.  Stress - such as during pregnancy and nursing known as "blowing her coat'.
15. Sebaceous Adenitis - Hair Glands are destroyed - Unknown Cause - Breed Hereditary Association
16.  Color Dilution - Mutant Alopecia - Hereditary Condition affect dogs usually with

blue (*diluted black) or fawn (*diluted brown) coat colors or has been known to affect normal color

coated dogs from affected parents  and common in certain breeds such as the Miniature Pinscher.  

Coat starts thinning usually around 6 months of age and progressively continues to get worst.  

It is not uncommon however for a dog to start showing signs of thedisease later in life.  

Dogs with Mutant Alopecia should never be bred nor should their offspring.  
The hair follicles become weakened and break easily.  

The skin will become rough and flaky and often times bleed.  
There is no known cure and secondary infections of the skin are normal.

17.  There is also an acquired form which comes from a multitude of things such as Parasites, Rash, Fleas - etc.

The treatment, if any, for Alopecia will depend greatly on the cause.
If purchasing a DILUTE colored animal then be aware you take the chance of having a dog with CDA.

We do NOT use ANY dogs with visible bad coats in our breeding program.


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​​An autosomal inherited recessive disease that is characterized by high concentrations of the
amino acid​ cystine in the urine leading to the formation of cystine stones.
There is a test for Cystinuria so only CLEAR tested dogs should be used for breeding.
Our adult breeding dogs have been tested and found clear of the Cystinuria gene meaning

NONE of our pups will have an issue with the inherited form of Cystinuria.


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"Low Blood Sugar"

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The condition of having low blood sugar (*glucose) resulting in low energy levels to a life-threatening condition.
The brain requires a steady supply of glucose to function properly and without those supplies of glucose the

body starts to become weak, the patient will become disoriented and confused, stagger and eventually

lose consciousness.  
If the condition is not treated immediately it can become life-threatening.  
Toy breeds or small size puppies are most prone to bouts of hypoglycemia.
Puppies can have bouts of hypoglycemia during times of stress, during weaning, from Vaccinations and

from over-exercise  as well as having an underlying medical condition or from a parasite infestation

either internally or externally.
Diet and Management are the only way to control hypoglycemia and prevent future recurrences.
Early Symptoms should be treated with oral administration of glucose or sugar in any form with the

exceptions of Chocolate or Caffeine Drinks, which can be fatal to dogs

(*take precautions as there could be other forms of sugar not suited for dogs).
Syrup, Sugar Water and 7-up are often used to treat Hypoglycemia.
If the dog is beyond swallowing to safely take sugar orally then an injection or IV of Glucose will be required.

Puppies often fail to eat enough during weaning to sustain their glucose levels.
It is very important that a puppy eat properly and enough at all times.
Giving puppies failing to eat properly supplemental applesauce often times helps keep their

sugar level up till they start eating properly.

It is very important that once Hypoglycemia becomes a problem the underlying cause

must be recognized and corrected. 


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