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Harlequin Pinschers & Miniature Pinschers

"Know the Difference"

The Harlequin Pinscher and Miniature Pinscher are kissing cousins.

They are distinct separate recognized breeds of their own.

A pup out of a Harlequin Pinscher bloodline should NOT be represented as a Min-Pin.

The Miniature Pinscher has been a recognized 'Ratting Terrier Type" breed since 1895.

The Harlequin Pinscher was recognized as a breed unto itself in 2006 and was developed

from the 1 time cross of a purebred Merle or Brindle Rat Terrier to purebred

Miniature Pinschers.  The Merle & Brindle offspring were then bred back to other purebred

Miniature Pinschers for a minimium of 7 generations to achieve the purebred Harlequin Pinscher.

The Piebald gene gratefully carried over in the gene pool through the Generations

and eventually made itself known in a few of the Harlie Bloodlines.

The Harlequin Pinschers of today can test out 100% Min Pin due to the high influence the

Min Pin plays in their development.

The difference comes in the "PATTERNS" the Harlequin Pinscher can come in

where as a Purebred Miniature Pinscher NEVER has a "PATTERN"

nor does it have a Harlie Bloodline.  If it has a Harlequin Pinscher 

Bloodline in any way then it is a Harlequin Pinscher.

Don't be fooled by those misrepresenting what they have.

​If you love the Min Pin then you'll be head over heels in love with the Harlies.

Min Pins can be:

Red, Black/Tan, Brown/Tan (*Chocolate), Blue/Tan, Fawn/Tan, Blue-Fawn & Tan

(*some Registries continue to add other Colors as Genetics Evolves).

Harlequin Pinschers can be:

All the colors as shown above for Min Pins with the added beauty of

being able to produce "PATTERN" genetics 

of Merle, Brindle, Piebald and combinations of the 3.

A Harlequin Pinscher can look, act  & test out as a Min Pin in every way.

A Min Pin however can not have the "Patterns" of a Harlequin Pinscher.

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​​Our Puppies are Unsurpassed in Quality & Health. 

​ I take the breeding of dogs seriously and not
just as a Hobby to produce pups for profit and it shows in both the Quality of the

dogs I've chosen to use for breeding and the Quality of the puppies I produce.

Contact us if you looking to Breed "True" HPA Harlequin Pinschers.

Acquiring a pup from Run-N-Ridge means you will get the Founding Bloodline without

having to research Pedigrees and hoping you get a true purebred Harlequin Pinscher.

Run-N-Ridge IS the Founding Breeder/Kennel/Bloodline of Harlequin Pinschers.
We don't sell "Day Old" Pups as the QUALITY of a pup should be a

breeders PRIORITY and not just the color/pattern of it's coat.
We will work with you on obtaining QUALITY, Healthy, HPA registered Harlequin Pinschers
to be used in an HPA Breeding Program ONLY!

All of our HPA puppies are restricted by Contract to HPA Registration Only.

Nancy Anderson
Texarkana, Arkansas


Serious Inquiries Only Please! 

My pages are ORIGINAL CONTENT.    If you see it here then it is my ORIGINAL writings.
If you see it being used by NON-HPA breeders then it IS being used by 

unscrupulous folks without permission.

Be sure you know who you are dealing with.
Regardless of what others may tell you - ONLY HPA has the database to link all dogs back to the
Founding Dogs and ONLY HPA and myself have the full HPA pedigree database.

Since Parent Verification can cause Pedigrees to be corrected and
reissued ONLY HPA has the most accurate Harlie database.

Be leary of those trying to use the Run-N-Ridge name and HPA Pedigrees to sell their own puppies.

ALL Run-N-Ridge pups sold and their future offspring are sold with restricted HPA

registration so pedigrees showing Run-N-Ridge bloodlines on them from other registries

are either false or being used by unscrupulous breeders breaking a contract or

bought from an unscrupulous breeder breaking a contract. 

If they are willing to break a contract

they signed then will they honor one you sign?

A Breeder should be able to succeed on their "own reputation" and not that of others.

Our puppies speak for themselves with generations of dedicated breeding.

Please read our "Need to Know" (click here) Page before contacting us.
(*It is your responsibility as a buyer to totally read and fully comprehend.)

We meet puppy buyers in a safe PUBLIC location and bring only pup(s) that are being purchased.
​Puppies are sold on a 72 hour 'well puppy check-up' guarantee.

"FLY IN" for a puppy and we will gladly meet you at one of 4 airports:
(*see "Need to Know" Page for details)
(*Please be advised that we will not CARGO ship puppies.)​

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Genetically Tested to Protect the Breed by the Founding Breeder of Harlequin Pinschers

Our current breeding dogs are tested for 185 Genetic Genes

included but not limited to MPS VI, PLL, CYS and DM.

We've chosen to go the extra mile in protecting what

we produce so our puppy buyers can have more years

with healthier fur-babies.

"Reputable Harlie Breeders register with HPA"

"Our Goal is to preserve the breed inside and out"

​"Run-N-Ridge pups are unsurpassed in Quality & Health"​

​Cash Only at Pick Up​​
Pick up required within 48 hours for us to hold without deposit.

​$200.00 Deposit REQUIRED to hold a puppy till it's ready to go.​
Non-refundable Deposit can be paid via Cash App or Western Union

(*Credit Cards can be used through your Cash App Account

For Deposit or a ONE time FULL Payment PRIOR to Transport).

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​All of our Harlequin Pinshcers are restricted to HPA breeding rights only.

True Dedicated Breeders start with Genetically Healthy GOOD-LOOKING Breeding Dogs.
Breeding is NOT about using whatever didn't sell from the last litter or using whatever you
purchased/traded for just because you have money in it.

ALL Run-N-Ridge pups were and still are sold with Registration

restricted to HPA including their offspring. 

Those using other Registries with Run-N-Ridge pedigrees

are breaking a signed contract or using falsified pedigrees.

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~ ~ ~ HPA Harlequin Pinschers ~ ~ ~

Our  Harlies are generally 6-12# in weight.

We are breeding responsibly based on each dogs 185+ testing results.

Please do research on CDA prior to purchasing a Blue or Fawn pup.
We do not have any adults visibly showing CDA but do not guarantee pups against CDA.

Proudly registered with the only reputable Harlequin Pinscher Registry

recognized by the founding breeder  - HPA.
Run-N-Ridge is the founding kennel & is responsible for re-developing the Harlequin Pinscher.
~~~ The Quality of our Dogs and Pups is Unsurpassed ~~~

Our Harlequin Pinschers are TRUE HPA Registered Harlequin Pinschers

bred from the founding Bloodlines being those of Run-N-Ridge
and documented back to the founding dogs .

Why HPA?  The ONLY registry with the full HPA database for Harlies.
HPA strongly recommends testing for genetically  clear-breeding dogs for

MPS VI, PLL, Cystinuria and DM.  

​HPA does not condone the registering of unknown lineage animals as some other registries allow.
If your not buying an HPA registered Harlie then your more likely buying a mixed-breed look-alike
from an unethical  breeder only out for the money.

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~ ~ ~ ADVISORY ~ ~ ~

Please be advised that even though
the Run-N-Ridge Harlequin Pinschers have begun to test out
100% Min Pin they are not Min Pins but a breed unto themselves

known as "Harlequin Pinschers".

They come in all the colors of a Min-Pin plus the added

benefit of also being able to get patterned pups as well.

If your wanting an AKC Miniature Pinscher please look for the

AKC designation on the pictures.

As of April 2023 it became our policy to register ALL R-N-R

puppies from Harlequin Bloodlines as a Harlequin Pinscher

so to be true to the breed and to hopefully clear up the 

misconception they are Miniature Pinschers which they are NOT.

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Our Miniature Pinscher line-up consist of bloodlines from the United States,

Canada, Iran , Germany, the Phillipines and the Ukraine.   

Our Miniature Pinschers are registered with the AKC &/or HPA.

A couple of our co-owners have expressed interest in showing so we encourage them to

"Take the leap and have fun and let the Rewards be many".

Why "AKC" for our Min-Pins? 
AKC can offer our puppy buyers a lengthy uninterrupted documented Pedigree 

just as HPA does for our Harlequin Pinschers.

We can also monitor any correction in a Pedigree through AKC just as we do

through HPA.

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being bred responsibly
with both Genetic and Individual I.D DNA on our Adults.

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The Following Links can give you Valuable Insight:

Click Here for What You "Need to Know" to Buy from Run-N-Ridge

Click Here for Buying Tips

Click Here for Color and Pattern Information 

Click Here for "JUST THE FACTS"

Click Here for History & Breed Standard

Click Here for TRUTH about the Merle Genetics

Click Here for the Importance of Testing and Breeding "CLEAR" Dogs

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Our dogs and pups are raised responsibly in proper settings.

We do NOT have 20 dogs and multiple litters INSIDE our house.

We do NOT breed our dogs till they are WORN OUT as so many

other breeders do.

Our dogs enjoy the Farm Life.

They run the farm, have access to Clean & Sanitary areas that are "heated & cooled".

The baseboards in my house are not filthy, my dogs are not kept in a miniscule area when

in heat, nor are my 'in heat' females exposed to 'multiple males' 

 as those who try to use their own house as a kennel are.

My house also does not permeate an odor (*stink) as most 'in-home breeders' houses do.

Unfortunately most of these home breeders no longer even realize their 20 dog 

household stinks or if they do they seldom allow puppy buyers to come to their

home to pick up puppies for that very reason.

My Furniture is not chewed.  My Floors and Furniture are not sticky.

Our dogs enjoy the outdoors with access to our home for short periods when we are inside.

Puppies are brought in daily for hours on end to be played with & loved on.

Puppies 'poop' a LOT and it smells.  Unless you would actually 'buy' 15

​puppies at one time and gladly take on the job of 'pooper scooper' in your

home then you should know exactly what I'm saying.

Males mark and the smell ishorrendous and when females are 'in heat' they

accelerate their marking to be top dog.

Can you imagine 3-4-5 dogs taking turns 'marking' your furniture, walls & carpet?

Dogs shed - it's unavoidable - 20 dogs shedding, peeing/pooping,

marking (*yes females do mark too!), bleeding and tromping dirt all over my house

IS NOT something I find acceptable for my family.

Unless you are one of those who would like 20 dogs inside your home then

you know what I'm saying.

If we want to get down to the truth - most home breeders of over 5 breeding females

do so because they don't want to expend the many thousands of dollars it cost

on buildings, pens, AC/Heat unit, Maintenance and additional Utility Bills.  Basically, it cuts into

the profit off the dogs they use to 'LIVE ON'.

These folks generally are not BREEDING for the "Love of the Breed" but for Money.

Take away the MONEY and they will stop breeding.

I've got LESS dogs than most in-home breeders do that I see raising so-called Harlies & Min-Pins.

We also discovered with our way of raising dogs the Natural Way our dogs

​are healthier with better immune systems and live longer than the breed suggest.

I've made the choose to Respect My Family enough to give them a Sanitary Home

while fulfilling my 'hearts desire' of having "HEALTHY - HAPPY" dogs &

raising "HEALTHY - HAPPY" puppies responsibly.

~ ~ ~ Our Harlequin Pinschers lines are registered as HPA Harlequin Pinschers ~ ~ ~

~~~ Our Miniature Pinschers are AKC and  HPA registered

AKC registered pups are designated as such on their photos ~~~

We ARE "Run-N-Ridge" so your getting the TRUE Harlequin Pinscher Bloodline

from the "FOUNDER" of the Harlequin Pinscher breed.

Run-N-Ridge produced the First Bloodlines of Harlies to test out 100% Min Pin.

Run-N-Ridge Showed the 1st Harlie to it's Championship Status.

If you love Min Pins you will be head over heels for the Harlie.

~~~ Available Males & Females  ~~~

~ ~ ~ $1000.00 each ~ ~ ~

(*payable via Cash, Cash App, Western Union*

Credit Cards can be used through Cash App or WU.)

Sold on a 72 Hour "Well Puppy Check-Up" Guarantee

They will be Current on shots, wormed & Microchipped.

Puppy Papers for Registration with appropriate registry.

Dewclaws removed.

We dock the tails on most that are not already Natural Bobtails.

(*We can leave tails undocked on pre-paid puppies.)

We do NOT crop the ears.

ALL Pups are sold on a First Commitment Basis.

We do not hold Puppies until we have a "FIRM Commitment".

~ ~ ~ Website Updated on 10/16/24 ~ ~~

Please be advised Weight Expectations are based on 'charting'

and we do not Guarantee the actual weight a pup will be grown.

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Delivery Available at Buyers Expense


within 4 hours of Texarkana, Arkansas

​$125.00 an hour over 4 hours.

Meet at Airport:

Shreveport, LA.  - FREE

Little Rock, AR. - $400.00

​Dallas, Texas (*prefer Love Field) - $400.00 

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If your someone who wants something different than your neighbor

​then the Harlequin Pinscher is for you.  

"Chick" & "Cobra" are littermate brother and sister.

They are still just babies but we wanted to introduce them.

They will be ready 11/08 for a new family.

"9-11" is a Red pup and we believe to be Piebald.  He is such a light Red that it's hard to distinguish if he is Piebald or Possible Merle or even a Merle/Piebald.   Due to a touch of blue in his eyes we are going to say he is a Merle.   He has a brown nose and is a Natural Bob-tail to boot.

CLICK HERE for a Video of 9-11

~ ~ ~  Unsurpassed  "TOP  OF  THE  LINE"  ~ ~ ~


~ * ~ Genetically Tested to protect the Breed ~ * ~